Bluesalve Partners Strengthens Team With Noted Industry Veterans

Ended soon Ashburn, VA, April 17, 2023 - Bluesalve partners today announced that consumer technology veterans Rich Bira and Ryan Tykwinski have joined the firm. The prominent consulting group has recently grown by double digits in serving the challenging IoT and smart home markets. The additional team members’ unique skills will increase bluesalve’s capacity to deliver…

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Brand: Anchor of the New Omnichannel

Ended soon Over the past several years, tech retailing has undergone a dizzying course of changes. Just when pundits were finally getting tired of reporting a retailpocalypse, COVID came around to wreak additional havoc on brick and mortar – while ringing up record online sales of CE products for a nation working and playing from…

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Year Zero: Moving Forward With Matter

Ended soon This month’s launch event for the Matter interoperability standard was an undeniable high point in the nearly 50-year history of the smart home. Through the decades, we’ve seen plenty of smart technologies come and go, so some skepticism about Matter is probably inevitable. It’s also a mistake. We came back from Amsterdam feeling…

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Getting a Handle on OTC Hearing Aids

Ended soon If you haven’t  heard that over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids finally hit the market last month, you might be one of the 37 million Americans with hearing loss. On the other hand, if you’ve been watching this category as closely as we have, you already know the huge possibilities for makers and sellers. Winning…

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What Are Your Plans For Proptech?

Ended soon Lately we at bluesalve have been paying close attention to the red-hot market for proptech. Most of the buzz has focused on how these technologies are making it easy to buy, sell, share and manage physical properties. While proptech may be disrupting real estate, banking, hospitality and construction, among other mature industries, we…

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Serving the Audio Prosumer

Ended soon An old cliche tells us that a rising tide lifts all boats. The home audio industry could certainly use the lift. Over the past two decades, technological disruption has decimated multiple product categories. The tide may be rising again, thanks to shifting market trends and new opportunities for manufacturers. Are you thinking of…

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Will It Finally Matter?

Ended soon It’s been nearly three years since the heavyweights of the connected world agreed to join forces on an interoperability standard for smart devices. What began as “Project Connected Home Over IP” is finally almost here as the Matter standard. We’re jazzed for the possibilities, cautious on the probabilities, and keeping close tabs on…

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How Smart Does Your Smart Product Need to Be?

Ended soon As is true of people, some smart devices are smarter than others. And as is true with people, greater “smarts” in devices usually cost more time and money to produce. Call it the price of education. When building your own smart products and services, how can you best plan for this cost? And…

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Wearables vs. Med Devices: Visualizing a Third Way

Ended soon Hardware and software makers are naturally bullish on the future of consumer-facing wearables for health and wellness. So far, physicians and providers have remained circumspect. It’s been a dozen years since the first Fitbits helped launch the quantified self movement. What have we learned so far and what are the opportunities going forward?…

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Advanced Audio Will Revolutionize Digital Therapeutics

Ended soon We’re all aware of the healing power of music, which is not only a sentiment but a scientific fact. Recent advances in audio technology, particularly spatial audio, are showing great promise in treating a variety of physical, cognitive and emotional health challenges. For audio hardware and software companies, these nascent fields represent welcome…

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